"In your hands, the birth of a new day... " (Limahl)

12 July 2007

A free blog

Back in May, I decided to trim down the blog. Out with politics, faith, soccer, creative writing and a load of other flotsam. The blog was to be a geocaching from now on, with some passing references to real ale, food and scenery etc. The Trabant Driver being my main influence on how to blog an acutely specialist topic - and to blog ONLY on that.

This worked well for a while. Geocaching excursions to Cardigan and Surrey, and placing my own geocache, gave me lots to write about.

Pic 1: Iced gems - one of my favourite childhood snacks

However, in the last couple of weeks, geocaching has been thin on the ground and the blog has suffered. There is also the dawning realisation that the safe arrival of a Small Tortoiseshell in November is expected to turn my geocaching career into toast.

Recently, I confessed to Maalie that I was thinking of bringing the curtain down on the blog, but he persuaded me out of this.

Pic. 2: Sweet Williams - my favourite flower

I have decided to go to the other extreme - to completely open the blog out to any kind of random stuff. As part of the build-up to the 100th cache celebrations - and the de facto end of my geocaching career - I hereby declare Tortoiseshell a free blog.