"In your hands, the birth of a new day... " (Limahl)

24 April 2007

Coin launch: Tortoiseshell's 75th find geocoin

Tortoiseshell's 75th find geocoin

Found myself browsing ebay late at night recently. The upshot was a purchase of this geocoin to celebrate my 75th cache find (historic Tenby multicache). My rationale for the purchase was that it was fairly cheap from a UK vendor - and with a suitably wacky icon for my geocaching.com profile.

The "species" of the coin is the "2007 CITO round the world geocoin", and its original source was thecachingplace.com. (CITO is a geocaching acronym for "Cache in, trash out", a motto of all responsible geocachers). The coin is pictured, below. It won't be travelling anywhere but I might let Maalie and TCA log it onto their geocaching profiles...