"In your hands, the birth of a new day... " (Limahl)

19 October 2006

Motorway Mayhem Caches

Last week I found a cache in the Motorway Mayhem series of geocaches (M4 J33). These caches are designed as driving breaks for the discerning geocacher. I had tried it in midweek during the early hours. Ended up cutting and scraping myself for no reason. Went back on Saturday in daylight for a second attempt. My first encounter with a fellow geocacher who was looking for the same cache as me. Turned out to be Satellite kid. After keeping a distance to let him do the honours, I eventually found the cache wedged in between an advertising hoarding and a stanchion. A sojurn down the M5 is planned for next week so hopefully a few more 'motorway mayhem' caches to boost my stats, and ad some dots on the south west corner of Tortie's Map.