"In your hands, the birth of a new day... " (Limahl)

24 December 2005



Wedi chwarae / Played: 7

Cyfanswm / Total: £458

Cyfartaledd / Average: £65.43

Uchaf / Highest: £107

Dylanwad / Influence

Er i mi ddod yma ar ddwy achlysur yn ystod y PhD (1997-2004), daeth y dref yn bwysicach yng nghyfnod y "comeback" 6 mis yn 2005. Ond ni fu unrhyw sgîl-effaith o ran cael gigs yn yr ardal.

Although I came here twice during the PhD (1997-2004), the town became more important during the 2005 6-month comeback. But the busking didn't lead to any gigs in the town.